Thursday, March 8, 2012

Camouflaging the Moon

no better sight when its a full moon and its got a slight orangish tinge to it!!
and it gets even better, when its behind a tree giving some fabulous textures
seems like werewolf is on its way

things to click around my house lawn

a tiny plant planted by my nieghbour
a birdy circus
life is not always colour, its grey at times and thorny too
and at times you are too young to realize the truth of life
and if one doesn't change with time, you tend to get older faster
the Umaid Bhawan at Jodhpur
they say its unlucky to spot this bird called Maina (by us, mere mortals), alone.. they generally are always seen in pair and if not in pair then you better pray that nothing bad happens to you that day

playing with the Squirrel's

I think I do share a special bond with these creatures... they do pose for me and are quite fun to take pictures off.. Now here are two different sets of pictures here. Few taken at Jodhpur and a few right outside my house in Gurgaon..
this one is from my lawn
this little fellow actually ate grains of rice of my hand..and honestly its not possible to feed a squirrel and take its picture at one go